Maybe it’s just me, but lately it seems like every problem that doesn’t come directly from customers is resolved by integrating with something that just does it for you, no need to worry. Some of this stuff is really useful because it solves a problem that’s tangential to yours but too much work to just do yourself (for example, a library that renders graphs on a web page based on JSON data, or a framework for setting up a REST API web server). But lately it seems like more and more stuff is coming out that’s handling stuff that really should be handled by the application itself (for example, building an OAuth sign-in widget, or implementing feature flags). I get not wanting to spend a lot of time on something that isn’t the key thing that your business does, but I think we’re wildly overestimating the value we’re bringing to our applications if we outsource everything but proprietary company data, and wildly underestimating our exposure if 1 of these dependencies breaks or has a security problem. Just because it’s not “core” to the main objectives of our software doesn’t mean it’s not important, or so complicated that we can’t do it ourselves.
Continue reading »Feb 282025