Jun 202015

If you’ve worked long enough, you’ve hit on something that involves multiple people. At that point, the common line is to “get all the stakeholders” together so everyone’s on the same page and actually working together. It’s a good philosophy, that works when you’re getting just the people involved in something together – and nobody else. The problem is that that’s rarely how these situations play out.  Continue reading »

 Posted by at 6:32 pm
Jun 042015

About a month ago, Bronto released single-send API aggregation for deliveries. Full disclosure – I work for Bronto, but on the apps team, not the main product (by the way, buy Socialite), and I certainly don’t speak for them – everything here is my personal opinion and observations. This was a good change that improved the performance and efficiency of what was 1 of the more expensive API operations. That’s fantastic, but it also impacts the API in ways that Bronto developers are going to need to be aware of. Continue reading »

 Posted by at 8:08 pm